
Tips and Techniques

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How to mitre an edge that is

being whipped

by Brenda Ticehurst

Brenda Ticehurst

Step 1 :  The edge should be machine stitched close to the edge on all sides with a zigzag stitch.  Then draw a diagonal line with a pencil from one corner to the other. 

Step 2 :  Whip up to the line coming down from the other side . 

Step 3 :  Start to follow the pencil diagonal line, then make three stitches at the bottom and start the other half and going up to the diagonal in the new direction.

Step 4 : When even, continue to whip as usual.

Dynamic Backgrounds

by Sylvia Solomon

For a textured and dynamic background, I prefer a non-directional hooking (or higgledy-piggledy) instead of the traditional straight lines. With a three colour palette you can obtain interest and contrast.

Sylvia's tip

Would you like to create an oriental rug?  Hook a border with a repeated pattern?

The Math Forum

The website "Symmetry and Pattern: The Art of Oriental Carpets" created by The Textile Museum and The Math Forum will provide you with valuable information. Among other interesting facts, you will learn about the 4 types of  symmetry.